Character and Citizenship Education
The CCE Department is committed to nurturing Anchorlites who are Agile Learners and Gracious citizens.
We want to imbue in our students with a positive and resilient outlook in life to better prepare them for the future
We seek to enable our students to make informed decisions in life by anchoring their decision making process based on the school’s ANCHOR values
We want to nurture our students to be gracious and responsible citizens who serve the community and country
Pedagogical Approaches
Our department employs a variety of teaching methods including explicit teaching of values during dedicated Character and Citizenship lessons and reinforcement & application of learning through a variety of Student Development Experiences (SDE) such as Learning Journeys, CCA, National Education (NE) Commemorative days etc. We believe that values must be ‘caught and taught’ hence, these approaches provide the knowledge and authentic setting for students to learn, reinforce and apply the values, social-emotional competencies, and citizenship dispositions throughout the school day through various platforms.
Key Programmes/Initiatives:
This programme is designed to equip students with the habits, skills, dispositions, and mindset to excel in their academic pursuits. We believe that the acquisition of these habits, skills and dispositions are essential to enable our students to become Agile Learners and Gracious Citizens who will thrive in the uncertain and volatile future. Hence, students learn about these habits (e.g. healthy eating, importance of sleep etc) and skills (Lifeskills programme for the respective levels – e.g. financial literacy) are implemented in the first week of school before they resume the usual academic programme from week 2.
A.G Stars:
This programme is a collaboration between the Science Department and Education and Career Guidance (ECG) Committee. Our P6 students will embark on a class learning journey to different industries and organisations (e.g. Scentopia, MHA, etc) to learn more about the industries – career related information, educational pathways and science/technology that the industry uses. The students will then complete a project and share their findings and research with their peers during A.G. Stars in a presentation to their juniors. The P1 and P5 students will be invited to head to the hall to view and learn more about these exhibits.