MK Activities - 2023
Chinese New Year Celebrations
Children went to watch a Chinese New Year performance by the students in Primary School. |
Children also had a mass gathering at the Kindergarten where they learnt more about Chinese New Year. |
Children also get to walk down the “red carpet” to showcase their traditional dressings! |
Children were served traditional Chinese New Year cookies during snack. |
Children also enjoyed their yu-sheng as a class!Chinese New Year. |
... and made beautiful crafts to showcase! |
World Water Day
Sharing about the importance of turning off the tap after use every time. | Sharing about how he saves water by turning off the tap while brushing his teeth instead of letting the water run. |
Children brought home a water droplet template and discussed with their parents about the different ways that they save water and drew on the template. They then brought it to school to share about their drawing. | We displayed all our posters in class for our friends to see and learn from. |
Earth Day
Children were introduced to the important of celebrating Earth Day and learnt about how they can do their part to protect the Earth. |
A family-based activity was given to parents to support the textile recycling and upcycling efforts of the school. Some donated old clothes by dropping into the textile recycling bins. At school, children showcased their reusable bags made from their old clothes! |
The K2 children made their own paper boxes while the K1 children made their own paper aeroplanes using recycled paper. |
K1 Life @ MK
Ms Winnie and Ms Yana welcoming our K1 parents and sharing more about MK’s curriculum. | Teachers engaging children and parents in one of our flagship programmes, Starlight. |
Children engaging in a numeracy activity where they identify numerals and number words and count accordingly. | Parents also had the opportunity to participate in our MTL lessons.. |
K2 Life @ MK
Parents gathered for a briefing on how the centre and parents can collaborate together to support their K2 children in transiting to Primary School. |
Parents participated in Big Book reading to experience how their children are being taught during Starlight. They also gained a better understanding of the strategies to support their children’s reading |
Parents also had the opportunity to observe how the Mother Tongue Language is being taught in class. |
The happy faces were evident after the observations and participation in the activities! The children were also thrilled to show their parents around their classrooms. |
Mid Year Celebration
As a wrap-up for Semester 1, children celebrated their milestone of completing half of their learning journey for the year. Time to get dirty! Children explored different tools and colours to create artworks together. |
Look at those busy hands! |
A group photo as a class! |
Children observing the different artworks done by other classes. | In their classrooms, they were also engaged in musical chairs game. |
Children's Day
Parents and children working together to pass the hoop to the end. | Parent and child crossing the river with just 5 pieces of paper plates. |
Let’s try to build it taller together! | Be careful not to drop it! |
Good job building the tower together! | Look at this parent and child running and making sure the ball does not drop. |
Children enjoying themselves and waiting to do their class cheer! | Say cheese everybody! |
Parents and children waiting for the start of the game. 1, 2, 3, start! | The children were so happy to have their parents join them in the games. |
Everyone enjoyed themselves so much during the celebration. | Parent and child running hand in hand to reach the end. |
Another group photo. Say cheese! | Everyone’s going home with a gift and a certificate for their wonderful participation. |
Year End Celebration
MK@AG invited Mad Science on the last day of school term for a fun-filled session where children learnt about some science! | |
Children experiencing blowing carbon dioxide that was produced from dry ice in water. |
Soap was added and everyone got very excited about the bubbles! |
Field Trips
K2 Field Trip to the Indian Heritage Centre in Little India
Children went on a ‘Mango Motif’ hunt during their trip to Indian Heritage Centre in Little India. |
Besides, children walked along the streets in Little India to hunt for more Mango Motif designs. |
Children enjoyed observing the huge selection of different variety of mangoes at the fruit carts in Little India. |
K1 Neighbourhood Walk
The children had the opportunity to meet and greet the uncle selling the fruits too! | Let’s find out what can go into the recycling bin? |
Look at all the plants that are growing in this community garden! | This looks like our ‘Let’s Pretend’ in class! |
Remembering to raise our hands when crossing the road | Looking around for any litter |
K1 Field Trip to Pastamania
Getting on our hats and aprons to make our pizzas! | Mixing our dough for the pizzas. |
Rolling our pizza dough |
Decorating our pizzas with delicious ingredients |
Enjoying our self-made pizzas, yummy! |
Morning session | Afternoon session |
We had so much fun and we love our pizzas! |
K1 Field Trip to Kin Yan Farm
Look at how slimy that aloe vera is! |
Look at how cute that quail is! It belongs to Uncle William. | Listening intently to Uncle William talk about the different types of mushrooms. |
The mushrooms tasted so good! | Super yummy mushroom freshly grown in the farm! |
Wow! Look at the textures of the mushrooms! Some parts are bumpy and some are smooth! So this is how they look like. |
K2 Field Trip to Forest Play @ Sentosa
Having their snacks and gearing up before embarking on their Forest Play. |
Listening attentively to the Ranger’s sharing information about the Forest. |
Even the rainy weather could not stop us from learning about the Forest. |
We used natural materials in the forest to make houses for squirrels and monitor lizards. |
We also found a long wooden stick and worked together to lift it up, just like the elephants lifting logs! | Even though there were many mud and water puddles formed due to the rain, we persevered in our walk. It was also a first play in the rain experience for many of us! |
In the end, we found “treasures” from the Nature! It is definitely an once in a life time experience! | |